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Exotic Nutrition Archive Page
Friday, December 26, 2014
            As the caretaker of your hedgehog, you are responsible for giving it the most welcoming and well equipped home as possible. This means providing a continuous supply of fresh water, healthy food, and a comfortable as well as stimulating environment.
            We suggest using a water bowl for hedgehogs that cannot easily use a hanging metal-straw water bottle, although both need to be changed regularly. In the world of hedgehogs, running and staying healthy go hand in hand. In the wild, they run around 5 miles as part of their regular, nightly routine. As with any pet, the more space you can provide, the better...although a minimum of 3 square feet of floor space is recommended. See our website for cages made specifically for hedgehogs. In addition to floor space, a solid running wheel is considered a necessity for pet hedgehogs. As they are nocturnal, most of this running and playtime will be done at night while you, their loving owner, are sleeping.
            In the overlapping hours when both you and your hedgehog are awake, it is important to have contact with him/her in order to build a relationship. Feeding your pet treats, such as mealworms, is a fun experience for you, as well as a tasty for your hedgie. Be careful with how many treats you are handing out per day...a hedgehog's diet should consist mostly of a high quality protein-enriched food. Fatty treats should always come second and be limited. Simply handling your pet with direct skin-to-skin contact is a great way to bond with it, petting it from front to back along the natural line of quill placement. Hedgehog's will generally roll up for security in an instance of fear, but you should be able to stroke your hedgehog's chin once it gains trust in you. As with all pets, you must be patient with your little creature, trust is earned overtime and cannot be rushed.

by: Exotic Nutrition
